Brightening Binge
Brightening Binge
Brightening Binge
Brightening Binge
Brightening Binge

Brightening Binge

Sale price$121.00

Hey girl, get in – we’re going on a brightening binge. This anti-photoaging, non-hydroquinone product is our absolute go-to for fighting melasma and correcting uneven skin tone and dark spots. 

Sinfully Hot Takes

  • Vitamin C brightens and corrects skin tone while green tea helps to eliminate dryness and reduce irritation.
  • In a randomized study, our clinically-proven cream was found to be a safe and effective alternative to other hydroquinone-based creams.
  • Safe for all skin types, Brightening Binge’s science-backed formula keeps your skin looking bright, healthy, and fresh while you’re on the go.

Use as a daily moisturizer for normal to dry skin. 

Video Demo Coming Soon!