Less Baggage
Less Baggage
Less Baggage

Less Baggage

Sale price$103.00

We love designer bags – until they’re beneath our eyes. Our restorative, anti-photoaging eye complex that firms and tightens delicate undereye skin for a brighter, younger look will be your new fave addition to your regimen.

Sinfully Hot Takes:

  • Our age-reversal formula stimulates the delicate skin around your eyes to stimulate collagen production for improved elasticity.
  • Key ingredients work to lighten dark undereye circles for a healthier, well-rested appearance.
  • Licorice extract improves dark spots and hyperpigmentation of the skin while supporting ingredients actively help to plump and hydrate skin to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

For all skin types. Use 1x daily at night.

Video Demo Coming Soon!!